Complete Finn's Heart Challenge. Knowledge saves lives. Login and learn CPR as a family. Congratulations Brinna Peterson for leading donations.
10 months ago, Shelly Phegley
Attention Students grade 6-12: Art Contest opportunity.
10 months ago, Shelly Phegley
Reminder: The Hunger Games is underway. Food donations stay local. Help FFA and the Farm Bureau help our community by donating to this worthy event. Pork burger sales for FFA are also Friday at lunch for staff and community. Order through Hat Day on the 23rd.Thank you everyone!
10 months ago, Shelly Phegley
Reminder: The Heart Association Challenge at CC is in its final week. Don't forget to complete Finn's Challenge. Login and share on Facebook. We are more than halfway to our goal of raising $2,000.
10 months ago, Shelly Phegley
Thank you Mr. Wattles and Mr. Brummer for chaperoning the field trip to NAL. Freshmen and sophomores toured the plant and learned a bit about an important corporate community partner. NAL General Manager Mike Harness spoke about what NAL makes for the automotive industry and how NAL is structured. Mr. Wattles praised the students on the tour for "following directions and asking good questions." Shoutout to the transportation department who worked hard to make this happen and be flexible. Matt and Becky made a last minute phone call from the office turn into a great opportunity for our kids. Thank you especially to NAL for offering us this vocational exploration. photo credit - Brian Wattles
10 months ago, Shelly Phegley
An addendum to our earlier announcement regarding the sports banquet: Tonight's banquet will honor Junior High Volleyball. HS and JH Scholar Bowl will be honored at a later banquet. Thank you.
10 months ago, Megan Hildebrand
Don't forget that the volleyball sports awards is tonight at 6pm at the Clay City Christian Church.
10 months ago, Shelly Phegley
Post Prom is seeking prize donations.
10 months ago, Megan Hildebrand
Post Prom
The 2024 Land Use Council #13 Envirothon was held on March 12 at Veterans Park in Mt. Vernon. The competition consists of the following 5 categories: Soils, Forestry, Wildlife, Aquatics, and this year's fifth category - Electricity. Clay City Team #1, consisting of Beth Norton, Jaxon Prochazka, Johnnie Mooney, and Leland Odell, placed 1st in Forestry and 9th overall out of 21 teams. Clay City Team #2, consisting of Elliot Kessler, Keidra Kuenstler, Ellie Hagen, Mason Morehead, and Kamden Bruner placed 11th overall. Thank you Mr. Brummer for coaching the team!
10 months ago, Shelly Phegley
No Junior High track practice today, boys or girls. We are still playing HS Baseball at Father McGivney today at 4:00pm and HS Baseball home against Olney tomorrow 11:00am. Bus time for HS Baseball today is 1:15pm. HS Bass Fishing is still on for Sunday at Newton Lake 1:00pm.
10 months ago, Shelly Phegley
From Clay County CEO advisor Jackie Akers: "Over the past two days, Clay County CEO entrepreneurs competed in our local pitch competition. Congratulations to all the students on a job well done and to our 2024 Local Pitch Competition Winners!" Congratulations to Clay City's Morgan Hance!
10 months ago, Megan Hildebrand
CEO Pitch Competition
Reminder: Tomorrow is a noon dismissal. No PK! Have a great weekend.
10 months ago, Shelly Phegley
Thank you Green Creek Drones for speaking to our students and demonstrating how drones are changing agribusiness. Tony Weber was on site for demonstrations and an explanation of how Green Creek Drones evolved as a company. Thank you Mrs. Dena Weber for coordinating the event.
10 months ago, Shelly Phegley
National Ag Week Update!
10 months ago, Shelly Phegley
Usborne Book Fair Books have been delayed. They should arrive soon.
10 months ago, Shelly Phegley
PTA meeting will be Monday, March 18, 2024, at 4 P.M. in the school library. Hope you all can attend!
10 months ago, Shelly Phegley
The Flora Masonic Lodge's County Reading Contest is underway. North Clay is in the lead with 4.62 books read per student! Clay City is on their heals with 3.17 books. Flora has read 1.5 books per child. Two weeks left! The winning school will get to have a party at the end! Ryan Scott WM Flora Masonic Lodge #204
10 months ago, Shelly Phegley
10 months ago, Shelly Phegley
St. Anthony’s Memorial Hospital in conjunction with the Andrew Gobczynski Big Heart Foundation (AGBHF) is providing a free EKG and blood pressure screening for high school athletes on Saturday, April 6th. This painless and harmless test is intended to screen for possible undiagnosed heart problems, which in the heat of competition could injure your child. Please note it is not a complete cardiac work up and is only a screening. We’ll have an RN perform an electrocardiogram (EKG) and blood pressure. These EKGs will be read by a pediatric cardiologist from SIU who specializes in cardiac care for those under the age of 18. This free service is being offered to high school-aged sophomores (and junior/senior athletes who have not already participated). Although detecting an abnormality is rare; some could be quite significant and require treatment. I encourage you to allow your child to participate in this valuable program. If you have any questions about this screening, please feel free to contact me at school. Please note that the program requires this packet of paperwork to be fully completed and signed. Completed and signed packets must be returned to the Athletic Director by Friday, March 29th for participation in the April 6th screening. This year, we’ll additionally need to have contact with the parent/guardian for them to give verbal consent for the athlete to participate in this screening. Registration colleagues from St. Anthony’s will call the parent/guardian to obtain this consent and they’ll schedule and pre-register the athlete at that time. Those calls will occur between April 1st and April 5th. If parents can call in during that time to give consent that would be helpful. The number to call is 217-347-6760 between 7:30 am and 2:30 pm. You will be notified ONLY if an abnormality is identified. If anything is detected, an RN will be contacting the parent/guardian and will contact/send a copy of this tracing to your primary care provider as well. Please note that the EKG will be a part of the athlete’s electronic medical record. That way it can be referenced if needed at any time in the future.
10 months ago, Shelly Phegley
Wear Orange or Yellow on Friday for Dr. Seuss Week.
10 months ago, Shelly Phegley