Please help us improve the flow of traffic after school. If your child needs help buckling, please park and walk to the door for pick up. Junior High parents, please park and wait for elementary pick up to finish before going through the line. Thank you!
As warmer weather approaches, please review the dress code policy on page 11 with your students.
Last week FCCLA attended the State Conference. Three students competed in events and all three took home awards. Senior Jackson Farris won Bronze in Fashion Construction, Junior Kendra Hostettler earned Bronze in International Experience, and Freshman Jordyn earned Silver in Public Speaking. Our chapter was also recognized as a "Chapter 10 Service Project" for their community service projects. Next year's FCCLA State Conference will be April 9-11, 2025.
Photos provided by FCCLA Advisor Courtney O'Dell:
1) Senior Jackson Farris wears the tuxedo dress he made that won Bronze.
2) Jordyn Shadle, Maddie Gerard, and Kendra Hostettler enjoying the conference trip.
Clay City students will showcasing their entrepreneurial skills at the CEO Trade Show next week!
Do forget to save the date for our Addams Family Musical May 3rd and 4th @ 6pm! We look forward to seeing you!
Kamden Bruner and Jaxon Prochazka had a FANTASTIC ICASST tournament Sunday at Newton Lake. They finished 15th out of 95 boats with a total weight of 15lbs 2oz. They both caught their personal best fish and Jaxons 5lb 2oz fish was in the top 5 in big bass!! ICASST sponsors the "only tournament series in Illinois that allows anglers and coaches to fish for scholarship money." - by Misty Lindeman Photo Credit Rachel Bruner
NCHS Baseball (9-9-1) tied S. Central 2-2. Their next game is Thursday 4/18 vs. Charleston 4:30pm.
Photo Credit Amanda Craig 4/5
Congratulations to the 2024 Clay City Prom King and Queen Weston Miller and Sammie Craig. Special thanks to Prom sponsors Tiffany Kuenstler and Courtney Mitchel, chaperones Sami Tolliver, Megan Hildebrand, Courtney Heisler, and Michelle Phegley. The parent led Post Prom Committee was headed by Megan Billingsley. We appreciate the Clay County Republican and John Bayler who photographed the event for the county newspaper. We are thankful most of all that Prom Weekend was a safe weekend for our students.
Looking for something to do this summer? Check out summer camps at IECC.
Don't forget the Illinois Storm Chasers will be on site at 6:30 this evening for a Family Night. Free books will be given to Clay City students. Angela Mason, local author, will be on site selling her book, Death Rides the Sky. Please join us.
Book Blast
Time is ticking to earn our students more books! You can contribute through the invitation from your favorite student or make a school-wide contribution through Sunday night.
Register and send 10+ invitations!
Don't forget the Illinois Extreme Storm Chasers Family Engagement on April 15 @ 6:30. Students will view an assembly at 1:45 for a sneak peak at the evening's events. Free books!
Congratulations Mr. Davis on 33 years of teaching! Mr. Davis held his final band concert Tuesday evening after a decade long career at Clay City. Mr Davis honored 8th graders, seniors, most improved students, and solo and ensemble winners. There was a special memorial plaque presented for Cameron Beck, a four year band student and recent graduate who died this past fall. Band parents presented Mr. Davis with a plaque and served cake and punch in the commons to celebrate. Congratulations Most Improved Students 5th - Jaxon Griffith, JH - LouEllen Harvel / Sydney Enlow, HS - Hailey Nolan / Taylee Gray.
Excited to share some of our Treasure Chest Winners for Book Blast. Shout out to Sami Tolliver for the photos. If you haven't registered yet, there's still time. Most of our teachers have won $100 shopping sprees!
Recognition/Awards supper for the High school Scholar Bowl , Jr. High School Scholar Bowl and the Bass Fishing Teams will be held Monday 4/22/24 at the Christian Church at 6:00pm
Last Day of PK will be May 20, 2024!
JH Track meet for today has been cancelled. No makeup date.
NCHS Track & Field originally scheduled for today (Thursday 4/11) at Flora has been reschedule date is Thursday 4/18.
NCHS HS Baseball originally scheduled for today (Thursday 4/11) vs. Effingham has been cancelled.
JR. High Track practice is cancelled today 4/10/24
HS Baseball players dismiss at 1:35 this Friday (4/12) due to a departure time change at North Clay .