High School students and chaperones visited the University of Southern Indiana last Friday. They enjoyed an admissions presentation, a tour of campus, and lunch in the University Center.
9 months ago, Megan Hildebrand
We would like to invite families and community members to our High School Award Banquet on May 8. Scholarship winners will be announced and classroom recognitions will be awarded. Seniors will also be recognized.
9 months ago, Megan Hildebrand
Award Ceremony
Kamden Bruner and Jaxon Prochazka won the bass tournament this Sunday qualifying them for sectionals on Thursday! If you see Coach Lindeman or the boys, wish them luck.
9 months ago, Shelly Phegley
Touch a Truck is going strong. We're here until 2:00. Don't miss it. You can be part of the success by donating directly to the school. All proceeds go to PBIS funds for this year and next. https://5il.co/2jwog
9 months ago, Shelly Phegley
Touch a Truck is getting started. Don't miss it. https://5il.co/2jwog
9 months ago, Shelly Phegley
We have had a wonderful community member who has offered to pay for all admission to the Touch-A-Truck! Come join the fun! 11am -2pm!
9 months ago, Shelly Phegley
We have had a wonderful community member who has offered to pay for all admission to the Touch-A-Truck! Come join the fun! 11am -2pm! See you soon!
9 months ago, Kim Ahlfieled
touch a truck
CLAY CITY SCHOOLS needs YOUR SUPPORT today -- Touch a Truck 11-2 -- FOOD BOOTHS and FUN. We have had a wonderful community member who has offered to pay for all admission to the Touch-A-Truck! Come join the fun! 11am -2pm! https://5il.co/2jwog
9 months ago, Shelly Phegley
Teen Reach from the Clay County Health Dept. is seeking feedback from Clay City parents. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/R9PJS7J
9 months ago, Shelly Phegley
The JH NTC track meet has been moved from Monday 4/29 to Wednesday 5/1, same times for coaches meeting and start time for meet.
9 months ago, Shelly Phegley
Thank you Mrs. O'Dell and FCCLA for planning the FCCLA Banquet. New Officers include: Molly Lindeman(Secretary), Taylee Gray(Vice Pres. of Competitive Events), Kamryn Ledbetter(Treasurer), Kendra Hostettler(President), Mariah Gibbons(Vice President), Madison Gerard(Vice Pres. of Recreation), Mrs. O'Dell(Advisor)
9 months ago, Shelly Phegley
Reminder: We want you to have fun at Touch a Truck. Reminder that we have limited seating and shade. Bring a lawn chair! Stay tuned for updates as our weather forecast solidifies.
9 months ago, Shelly Phegley
Danielle Lister with the PTA will be selling items to raise funds on April 29. Items will cost $1 - $3.
9 months ago, Shelly Phegley
Seniors: Please turn in your photos for the Senior Slideshow to Mrs. Billingsley as soon as possible! Thank you.
9 months ago, Megan Hildebrand
Last day of tutoring will be Tuesday, April 30. Thank you for an amazing group of students this year!
9 months ago, Shelly Phegley
Touch -A- Truck @ Clay City School parking lot. This Saturday, April 27th 11 am - 2 pm Come support our PBIS program! This program supports our Social Emotional Learning through out the school year. Clubs selling: pork burgers, funnel cakes, and fried Oreos.
9 months ago, Kim Ahlfieled
touch a truck
Clay City Senior Weston Miller placed third in the Fourth Annual Brandon Blackford Memorial Welding Competition yesterday evening. He received a $250 scholarship and a 1740 Lincoln hood. Congrats, Weston!
9 months ago, Megan Hildebrand
The Junior High Spring Dance held Friday was a success! THANK YOU to our sponsors; Welty Chiropractic, Nelly's Wild Game, Lew Crew Farms, Dusty's Tire, Clay City Civics, Erin Boyd, and Rachel Bruner. THANK YOU to our hosts and chaperones Lyndi Thompson, Courtney Mitchel, Courtney O'Dell, Brandon Mitchel and Sami Tolliver. THANK YOU for the DJ equipment Colin Mosely and Lee Ryker. Our Junior High students had delicious food and great music to enjoy a night of fun!
9 months ago, Samantha Tolliver
Photo op
JH group
Reminder: Spring Photos are tomorrow!
9 months ago, Megan Hildebrand
say cheese
The awards ceremony previously scheduled to be held Monday at the Chistian church will now be held in the commons at the school.
9 months ago, Shelly Phegley