Did you forget to return that Reach for the Stars reading packet? Ginger said, she will still count those mins. Return your forms by tomorrow at 8 am. Remember everyone can participate! Pledges are not required but they help our teachers buy books for classroom libraries. If you can't find the form, send a note!
about 1 year ago, Shelly Phegley
Upcoming deadlines: Elks Americanism Essay Contest selections are to be ready for pickup on Dec. 1, 2023 - Make sure Clay City is represented at the county level. Write an essay. Grades 5-8
about 1 year ago, Shelly Phegley
JH Basketball lost all three matches this evening. C 32-8, JV 36-0, Varsity 57-19. Next game is Thursday.
about 1 year ago, Shelly Phegley
We have recently added a paraprofessional to our staff and are seeking a second. Please share with your friends and family. https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/3306/CCCUSD/2420202/Clay_City_Application_Form_2019.pdf
about 1 year ago, Shelly Phegley
Hello all, We want to share information about our Interventionist for the Junior High.
about 1 year ago, Shelly Phegley
Students: Don't forget to return your Reach for the Stars forms by tomorrow at 8 am. Remember everyone can participate! Pledges are not required but they do help our teachers buy books for their classroom libraries.
about 1 year ago, Shelly Phegley
Attention Reach for the Stars Readers!! Did you read lots of minutes over the Weekend? Did you read to grandma and grandpa, to your parents, to your brothers and sisters? I'm sure they were proud of how well you are reading now. You can even read to a younger sibling!!!
about 1 year ago, Shelly Phegley
Attention Reach for the Stars Readers!! Have you asked Grandma and Grandpa to sponsor you? How about aunts and uncles and neighbors and friends? The more sponsors you get the more books you will earn! Read a great book tonight!!!
about 1 year ago, Shelly Phegley
Help support Clay City High Schools FCCLA winter fundraiser. Orders due by December 4th for guaranteed delivery before Christmas!
about 1 year ago, Courtney O'Dell
Cocoa Bombs
Rada Cutlery
NED is coming today at 2:00. Don't forget the yoyo sale. Prices for a yoyo are $10-16. Never give up, Encourage others, Do your best
about 1 year ago, Shelly Phegley
The Elks Lodge is sponsoring an essay contest due Dec. 1. We only have 1 entrant so far, and I would like Clay City to showcase our civic pride. Grades 5-8 may participate. https://drive.google.com/file/d/15RaGGm8_s0y2jjn71uE9D9BWRgEyHLZr/view?usp=sharing
about 1 year ago, Shelly Phegley
The Ned Show will be here tomorrow @ 2:00. Students may purchase a yoyo as part of the show's promotion. You may send money with students tomorrow if they wish to purchase. https://assets-global.website-files.com/60f9d11908866a0b6a25adac/616f6e5a672180249ef7535a_NS-US-SendHome-Fall2021.pdf
about 1 year ago, Shelly Phegley
The Kindergarten-5th Grade Christmas musical, "Christmas at the O.K. Corral," is scheduled for December 7th at 6:00 PM in the high school gym. The students will dress "western" -- jeans, hats, boots, etc. It does not have to be anything elaborate. Just have fun with it! See you there! Yee-haw!! -Mr. Davis
about 1 year ago, Megan Hildebrand
Attention Reach for the Stars Readers!! How many minutes did YOU read last night...maybe you read more than your teacher! And, Remember, the more sponsors you get, the more books you get to pick out and write down on your wish list!!.... Keep reading and getting sponsors!
about 1 year ago, Shelly Phegley
Sorry for the late notice. PTO meeting for tonight is cancelled.
about 1 year ago, Shelly Phegley
Reach for the Stars Reading is HERE!! K-8 Students do not need to collect money to participate. Pledges are OPTIONAL. Students will keep 50% of their pledges to order books. Teachers will keep 50% to build classroom libraries. Forms are due Nov. 27. Awards ceremony will be Dec. 1.
about 1 year ago, Shelly Phegley
The NED Show is coming Thursday at 2:00 in the new gym. http://bit.ly/NEDassembly
about 1 year ago, Shelly Phegley
ATTENTION PARENTS: There is NO PeeWee basketball on Tuesday 11/14/23. There will be PeeWee basketball on Thursday 11/16/23 as scheduled
about 1 year ago, Shelly Phegley
Two days left! Contact a junior class member to order laundry detergent or brooms and support our prom!
about 1 year ago, Megan Hildebrand
2 days left
Congratulations Morgan Hance on signing to play softball at Eastern!
about 1 year ago, Shelly Phegley