October 31, 2023
Students from Clay City High School are doing positive things and making a difference in their school and community. FCCLA officers participated in the Illinois FCCLA Fall Leader...

September 19, 2023
Volleyball won the Flora Round Robin Tournament.

August 26, 2023
Interim Superintendent Croy, recently received notice that the district application for the Teacher Retention Grant for Clay City District #10 was approved. Among the many impro...

August 19, 2023
Congratulations to the Back to School Night Winners. Thank you to Lyndi, Rachel, Jill, The Civics, Clay County Hospital, The Country Closet, and a variety of community members who...

July 24, 2023
Make sure not to miss this North Clay Sports fundraiser.

July 24, 2023
Clay City FFA volunteered on Saturday 7/22 t o help the Farm Bureau set up for Ag Olympics. FFA alumni, mom, and current Clay City teacher reflected, "Having a group of us there ...

July 7, 2023
(Physical EXAMS MUST BE UPDATED and $ 25 SPORT FEE MUST BE PAID to Clay City school BEFORE can practice)
July 10 4-5:30 Jr. High baseball open field practices start

March 17, 2023
https://www.illinoiseducationj... Search Clay County

March 1, 2023
Great job to everyone who has completed the Treasure Map assignment in the last two days! We now have our 2 nd Book Blast Treasure Chest stuffed with cash winner. Congratulations...
February 24, 2023
Student attendance is critical for learning. Please make sure your student attends school every day. Also, please make sure your student arrives no later than 8:00am so that he/sh...

January 19, 2023
Dental Safari will be at Clay City Schools on March 8th. Please scan the QR code with your phone or go to www.DentalSafariForms.com to complete the necessary paperwork.

December 14, 2022
Clay City Schools is wrapping up first semester with some good old fashioned fun and creating memories for a lifetime. As a cooperative effort of PE classes and PBIS (Positive Be...

December 9, 2022
High School FCS teacher Bethany Kuhlig recently accompanied high school students to ROE 12's Brain Games. She is excited to report that her team placed 4th and will advance to th...